One-Touch (OTC) Application is a single Web & Mobile solution that provides facilities per Company Level ERP and Distribution Level DMS and Provides Module like Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Scheme, Claim, Expense, Payroll. Order Booking System, Ready Stock System, Attendance.
Mask detection
Ensure mask compliance where employees can be asked to provide mask scan during their scheduled WFO days
Bus Solution
A complete and customizable Bus Solution that provides a smooth and pleasant ride. The team member may enter the beginning location and the destination point to see which buses are available based on leaving home or arriving at the office.
Digi Pass
QR code-based Digital Office Gate pass that can be issued to the employees who are scheduled to come to the office
SimpleMind map
SimpleMind will help you organize and analyze your thoughts. The one-of-a-kind free layout helps you to arrange your thoughts exactly as you like them.